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发布时间:2023-03-14 发布者:王雨薇



陈裕荟琳,金融学博士,B体育官网网站讲师,毕业于宁波诺丁汉大学。从事金融学方面的教学与研究,研究方向包括跨国企业战略、企业社会责任、企业投融资等。在International Business Review、Business History、International Review of Economics & Finance、Research in International Business and Finance等国内外期刊发表多篇文章,主持省部级课题1项,地市级课题3项,主持和参与多项政府与学术机构的横向课题。


1.Yuhuilin Chen, Ruizhi Yuan, Xinran Guo and Tao Ni. 2024. Do foreign acquisitions improve target firms’green innovation performance?. International Review of Economics & Finance, 95, Article. 103458. (SSCI Q1; ABS level 2)

2.Ruizhi Yuan, Martin J. Liu, Lixian Qian,Yuhuilin Chen. 2024. The effect of corporate social responsibility hybridity on firm performance: moderating role of aspirational talk. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 124(9), pp.2758-2790. (SCI Q1; ABS level 2;通讯作者)

3.Yuhuilin Chen, Saileshsingh Gunessee and Xiuping Hua. 2022. Emerging market multinationals’ pursuit of strategic assets through cross-border acquisitions. Research in International Business and Finance, 64, Article. 101792. (SSCI Q1; ABS level 2)

4.Yuhuilin Chen, Xiuping Hua and Agyenim Boateng. 2017. Effects of foreign acquisitions on financial constraints, productivity and investment in R&D of target firms in China. International Business Review, 26, pp.640-651. (SSCI Q1; ABS level 3)

5.Xiuping Hua,Yuhuilin Chenand Shameen Prashantham. 2016.Institutionallogicdynamics:privatefirmfinancing in Ningbo (1912–2008).Business History, 58(3),pp.378-407. (SSCI Q2;ABS level 4)



2.华秀萍和陈裕荟琳:《宁波民营企业发展与融资的百年历史回顾(1912-2012)》,浙江大学出版社, 2017年。(专著)

3.Yuhuilin ChenandXiuping Hua.2015.Ownership, financial constraints and firm performance: Foreign acquisitions of Chinese firms,Douglas Cumming, Alessandra Guariglia, Wenxuan Hou and Edward Lee(eds.),Experiences and challenges in the development of Chinese Capital Market,Palgrave Macmillan Publishers, London, UK, pp. 89-107.(专著章节)

4.Xiuping HuaandYuhuilin Chen.2015.Institutional logicsand financing mechanisms: A comparative study of Ningbo and Wenzhou Entrepreneurs,Douglas Cumming,Michael Firth, Wenxuan Hou and Edward Lee(eds.),Developments in Chinese Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Entrepreneurship in China,Palgrave Macmillan Publishers, London, UK, pp.55-89.(专著章节)


1.跨国并购路径下我国企业环境责任的影响机理研究:基于市场导向和能力提升视角(23NDJC348YB), 浙江省哲学社会科学规划年度课题,2022年,主持。





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